Who We Are

Central Baptist Church

Central Baptist Church is located in suburban Chesterfield County, Virginia, right off
the Powhite Parkway (Route 76).

Founded in 1900, the congregation is Christian in faith and Baptist in the best of that heritage. Believers and seekers of many backgrounds find a spiritual home at Central.

Theological Convictions

The following strategic initiatives now guide our ministry:

God’s Mission: God’s essence is love, and God’s mission is to love and redeem all of creation. God sent Jesus to show us how to love. Jesus sent the Spirit to indwell faith communities with the power and tangible presence of God. 

The Church’s Mission: To be a gathered community of disciples of Jesus who join God’s mission to love and redeem all creation. 


Central’s Vision: We seek to become a faith community that embraces God’s profound love for all creation, demonstrates the life of Jesus, and depends upon the Spirit to fuel change in us and the world. 


Core Values

Love: Our deepest call is to love.

Community: Inspried by God’s love and our cal to love, we form beloved community. 

Jesus: Our life together in beloved commiunity is centered on Jesus.

Inclusivity: Jesus call us to become more inclusive.

Justice: Jesus and the prophets call us to God’s justice.  


Our Baptist Identity

Baptist churches are organized as locally autonomous congregations, meaning that every Baptist church is free to work and minister as it chooses.

Baptist churches worship, work, minister, and fellowship as led by the Spirit of Christ, and each is governed solely by members of the local congregation.
Our Central Baptist Church family ministers in community, ever mindful that we can accomplish more together than we can as individuals. And, as Baptists, we believe that we are all ministers to each other.

We are members of several larger organizations that allow us to partner with other congregations to do mission work in a larger context, serving both locally and globally. We believe that we can follow Jesus best when we partner with other Christians beyond our local congregation.

Our Baptist Partnerships include:

  • Middle District Baptist Association
  • Baptist General Association of Virginia
  • Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (and Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Virginia)
  • Baptist World Alliance
(Historical relationship exists also with the
Southern Baptist Convention)

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of Baptists are we?

We are moderate/progressive Baptists, welcoming all people; and, even though we may not all think the same way, we come together to do the work of ministry, united in the call to love others as God loves us. We proclaim the Gospel of Jesus with open arms and open doors. The table of Christ is wide and all are welcome.

Are we the kind of Baptists who affirm women in leadership?

Yes. At Central, women serve in all areas of ministry within the church. We ordain women to the ministry and to serve as deacons. Moreover, we believe that all children of God are called equally to serve, as led by the Holy Spirit.

What Bible translation do we use?

Folks are free to choose their own – or better yet, more than one! Reading in worship is typically from the New Revised Standard Version, but not exclusively.


Central Baptist Church was born out of a relationship with Bethlehem Church, and was officially organized on April 1, 1900, and the Rev. S.P. DeVault served as its first pastor.

The original building was constructed at that time, and then in 1958 a new building was raised, and serves as our worship, study, and fellowship space today. The parsonage was completed in 1948. Today, that parsonage serves as the administrative building where staff are located.

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